Pre School Programs

Australian Martial Arts Academy has been teaching martial arts in Sydney for 30 years and is currently the #1 ranked school in the world. They have taught thousands of preschool aged children who love learning not only the sport of Taekwondo but also the benefits of focus, respect, confidence and the practical skills of stranger awareness and bully busting.

AMA preschool sports programs are so successful as parents, teachers and students all love the benefits and fun, plus the flexibility to have the needs of your school tailored for.

Parents and teachers are in awe of how quickly the children respond to the clear instructions, develop awareness of safe space and ensure that they are contact free while having a great whole body work out. The unique sports program has been created by international martial arts champions, a dietitian, an exercise scientist and a master of education specialist to produce the results of more confident, focused kids.

Sessions include elements of fitness, technique, how to create a safe space, application and context (how to and how not use it safely), strength & flexibility drills, meditation, listening exercises and all equipment is included by the academy. 
AMA instructors are highly trained martial artists and instructors, who are child safety checked.

What AMA can do for your preschool:
  • Contact us for a free assessment about what will work best for your preschools needs
  • Australian Martial Arts will provide the instructors and all the necessary resources for fun, exciting classes and make sure every student learns something new.
  • AMA have a wonderful fully equipped air conditioned hall you can use or can travel to you.
  • AMA can arrange to focus on any areas you are concerned with or simply cover all the areas highlighted above.
  • AMA can incorporate your preschools polices and procedures.
  • AMA do encourage respect for each other and our teachers and do so by increasing the children’s confidence.

The Program teaches kids:

  • Respect & Resilience: teaching children to look others in the eye, to stand up straight and try their best!
  • That bullying, hitting or hurting in any form is not acceptable.
  • Strength, Flexibility and Control all while improving Fitness.
  • How to use their voice and hold their body, to show their confidence.
  • Self defence techniques and when and when not to use them.

Pleases contact AMA if you have any further questions as to the details of this invaluable program.